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Leading Cancers

Top Five Leading Cancers in Hawai’i

  1. Prostrate
  2. Lung & bronchus
  3. Colon & rectum
  4. Melanoma
  5. Bladder

Lung Cancer

Lung Cancer #1 cause is cigarette smoking and is the biggest cancer killer in Hawai’i.

Early Detection

Screening for cancer can reduce risk improve outcomes. Consult with your doctor when screenings should be done.


An individual is considered a cancer survivor from the time of diagnosis, through the balance of his or her life. There are many types of survivors, including those living with cancer and those free of cancer. This term is meant to capture a population of those with a history of cancer rather than to provide a label that may or may not resonate with individuals.

Adapted from the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship

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