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What is the Hawaii Comprehensive Cancer Coalition (HCCC)?

The HCCC is a consortium of organizations and individuals from across Hawaii that include cancer, healthcare, community, caregivers, and cancer survivors with interests in prevention and control of cancer in Hawaii. With a vision of “No More Cancer,” the coalition developed a statewide cancer plan to reduce Hawaii’s cancer burden – The Hawaii Cancer Plan (HCP) 2030. The purpose of the HCP 2030 is to provide a framework for collective action in cancer prevention and control across the state.

The HCCC invites you to be part of our community-wide effort to take action to reduce cancer’s impact in Hawaii.

Join the HCCC or one of the HCCC’s Action Teams today!

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What is the Hawaii Comprehensive Cancer Coalition (HCCC)?

The HCCC is a consortium of organizations and individuals from across Hawaii that include cancer, healthcare, community, caregivers, and cancer survivors with interests in prevention and control of cancer in Hawaii. With a vision of “No More Cancer,” the coalition developed a statewide cancer plan to reduce Hawaii’s cancer burden. The coalition has been involved in activities such as mobilizing efforts that support policy and environmental changes, increasing cancer survivorship resources and widening access to patient navigation services in the cancer care system.

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Why Comprehensive Cancer Control?

Comprehensive cancer control (CCC) is a process through which communities and partner organizations reduce the burden of cancer.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) initiated the National Comprehensive Cancer Control Program (NCCCP) in 1998 to help states, tribes, and territories form coalitions to fight cancer. These coalitions collect data to determine the greatest cancer-related needs in their area, and develop and carry out cancer plans to meet those needs. The CCC plans include activities that:

  • Encourage people to live a healthy lifestyle.
  • Promote cancer screening tests.
  • Increase access to good cancer care.
  • Improve the quality of life for people who survive cancer.

Hawaii Cancer Plan 2030

The HCP 2030 is a road map for the coalition to identify gaps in cancer care, share best practices and address its top four priorities: prevention, early detection, equitable access to care and quality of life. The plan is intended as a roadmap for the next ten years that will guide state cancer control efforts and promote collaboration between public and private agencies. The battle against cancer requires collective effort, cooperation, and collaboration of a multitude of organizations including government, business, health care, research, and non-profit, as well as communities and individuals to achieve our state vision of “No More Cancer.”

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